Holiday Greetings from National Fraternity President Doug Dilling


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Hello, and happy holiday greetings to you. I'm Doug Dilling here on Christmas Day Eve in Indianapolis, after celebrating a very different Christmas Day with my immediate family. And I'm sending you this high-tech Christmas greeting from the entire Phi Kappa Theta family. As we're all aware, this has been an extraordinary year in so many respects. The impact of the pandemic has manifested itself in a variety of ways, dramatically affecting lives, livelihoods, and communities of all shapes and sizes. The entire fraternity and sorority community as well as its educational partners have all experienced uncertainty and operational disruptions that have tested the very core of our organizations. And while there have been a few lost battles and unfortunate results here and there, I have been so impressed with the Phi Kappa Theta Fraternity leadership at all levels by our collegiate chapter leaders who've met the many twists and turns of the last ten months, and to forge new paths to keep our chapters alive by the many alumni corporate board volunteers who scrambled to sustain some semblance of financial stability for their housing corporations, to the chapter advisors who provided steady and caring guidance throughout this pandemic, and by the national leadership, the chapter coaches and the professional staff who have worked tirelessly to help adapt and create new achievable objectives for our service to our brotherhood. And a special thanks to the many of you who continue to support the Phi Kappa Theta National Foundation with your gifts. Knowing that your financial contributions are being carefully stewarded, and invested in our innovative programming that supports our mission of developing men who passionately serve Fraternity, Society, and God. So as we round the corner of this new year, we do so with the promise that our Creator has and will continue to provide the vision and perseverance we need to fulfill our individual and collective purpose. So whether you're celebrating Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, or just celebrating the promise of light at the end of this tunnel, I want to send you a joyous holiday greeting and a sincere wish for a very prosperous 2021. Thank you and God bless.